One can use Expando Service when:
Don't have access to backend/server side but is given a role in Liferay who can edit/add Journal Content or Web Content. This way we can create a virtual Database Tables so user inputs could be saved and could later retrieve them when needed.
The following template is a very simple liferay Expando example. It could Save/Delete user name on database.
Step 1. Create a very basic(any) Journal Content Structure on the Form and Presentation section.
Step 2. Create a new Journal Content Template on the Form and Presentation section and map it onto your previously created Structure on Step 1.
Paste these codes on the Template's script(Launch Editor).
Step 3. Save the Template and "Save and Approve" the new Journal Content. You should have a page similar to this:
One can use Expando Service when:
Don't have access to backend/server side but is given a role in Liferay who can edit/add Journal Content or Web Content. This way we can create a virtual Database Tables so user inputs could be saved and could later retrieve them when needed.
The following template is a very simple liferay Expando example. It could Save/Delete user name on database.
Step 1. Create a very basic(any) Journal Content Structure on the Form and Presentation section.
Step 2. Create a new Journal Content Template on the Form and Presentation section and map it onto your previously created Structure on Step 1.
Paste these codes on the Template's script(Launch Editor).
#set ($renderUrl = $request.get("render-url"))
#set ($namespace = $request.get("portlet-namespace"))
#set ($cmd = $request.get("parameters").get("cmd"))
#set ($classPK = $getterUtil.getLong($request.get("parameters").get("classPK")))
#if ($classPK <= 0)
#set ($classPK = $dateTool.getDate().getTime())
#set ($userName = $request.get("parameters").get("userName"))
#set ($ourTableName = "OurTable")
#set ($ourTable = $expandoTableLocalService.getTable($ourTableName, $ourTableName))
#if (!$ourTable && $request.get("parameters").get("cmd") == 'save')
##Table doesn't exists. Creating Our Table....
#set ($ourTable= $expandoTableLocalService.addTable($ourTableName, $ourTableName))
#set ($ourTableId = $ourTable.getTableId())
#set ($V = $expandoColumnLocalService.addColumn($ourTableId, "userName", 15)) ## STRING
##Table Created....
##Table already exists.....
#if ($request.get("parameters").get("cmd") == 'save')
##Saving Data....
#set ($userName = $request.get("parameters").get("userName"))
#set ($V = $expandoValueLocalService.addValue($ourTableName , $ourTableName , "userName", $classPK, $userName))
##User Setting Saved....
#elseif ($request.get("parameters").get("cmd") == 'delete')
##Deleting User Setting...
#set ($V = $expandoRowLocalService.deleteRow($ourTableName, $ourTableName, $classPK))
##User Setting Deleted...
<table class="lfr-table">
<th>User Name</th>
## Get all the current records in our ExpandoTable.
#set ($rowsCount = $expandoRowLocalService.getRowsCount($ourTableName, $ourTableName))
#set ($rows = $expandoRowLocalService.getRows($ourTableName, $ourTableName, -1, -1))
#foreach($row in $rows)
## Get the classPK of this row.
#set ($currentClassPK = $row.getClassPK())
#set ($currentUserName =
$expandoValueLocalService.getData($ourTableName, $ourTableName,
"userName", $currentClassPK, ""))
<td><a href="#"
onclick="document.getElementById('classPK').value =
'${currentClassPK}'; document.getElementById('cmd').value = 'delete';
#if ($rowsCount <= 0)
<td colspan="5">No Users were found.</td>
<form action="$renderUrl" method="post" name="${namespace}fm10">
<input type="hidden" id="cmd" name="${namespace}cmd" value="none" />
<input type="hidden" id="classPK" name="${namespace}classPK" value="none" />
<input type="text" id="userName" name="${namespace}userName" value="">
<input type="button" value="Add user"
onclick="document.getElementById('cmd').value = 'save';
document.forms['${namespace}fm10'].submit(); ">
Step 3. Save the Template and "Save and Approve" the new Journal Content. You should have a page similar to this:
Thats it! Test the sample expando portlet.
Wow, c'est génial. Nous pouvons y accéder à tout moment, .. j'aime vraiment ce post .. merci. Nous proposons également les services Liferay Java et Liferay Angular. contactez-nous pour plus de détails.